Are your team members struggling with motivation?

This topic seems to be coming up in our coaching conversations a lot at the moment. People are telling us they’re feeling a bit “meh” about their jobs, but they can’t put their finger on why. If this is true for your team members as well, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do they have enough autonomy in their role? If the answer is no, how could you empower them to take more ownership or gain more independence? This doesn’t need to be about giving someone full control, it can be about giving them something small that they can take responsibility for.

2. Are they learning and developing enough? Do feel like they’re getting better at something by being in this role? If the answer is no, find out how they want to grow in their career. Perhaps they would benefit from a mentor or some training on a specific skill.

3. Are they clear on your company’s purpose and are they aligned with it? Can they see how their work contributes to the overall company mission? If not, spend some time exploring this with them and explaining the purpose of their role and team.

To find understand motivation on a deeper level check out Dan Pink’s bestseller, Drive; the Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.


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